Monday, November 21, 2011

Back to the beginning....

Well this is a journal entry from my wedding day April , 10th 2009:
"Recap of our wedding day" I woke up early Friday morning to pick up Sarah and to run some errands. She looked so beautiful as she stepped into the car. When we were finished I dropped her back at Michelle's trailer and I went back to the hotel. Jason one of my best men was on his way and so were many of the guests. I began to get ready and waited to check out of the hotel. I was so nervous as two o'clock came closer and no sooner then you could blink it was time. I checked out with my Dad and we drove up the hill to the Rexburg Temple. I walked in and waited in the foyer and then Sarah walked in, She lighted up the room and I was suddenly not nervous anymore. We both met with the temple president and found out he would be performing our sealing. We each were assigned to a temple worker to help us prepare for the sealing. I got dressed in my clothing and Sarah went to the bride's room. We then met up at the elevator to go to the third floor of the temple to our sealing room. The room looked so white and so beautiful. Most importantly Sarah looked like she belonged there. The temple president then came in and began the wedding, he spoke about the strong spirit that was there and that there was the presence of many spirits from across the veil. He said our future children were present and that they would do great things for the Lord's church. He told us that we would have many trials but that we would be stronger for it. He also said Sarah had a special mission and to take good care of her. He then had us kneel where we were sealed together forever. I looked into Sarah's eyes and saw the endless line we would create and the star's of the heavens. Then we sealed it with an everlasting and eternal kiss. We then went out of the temple and took pictures together and with our families. We went to our reception in Rigby. We had a good time and that is how my journey with Sarah began.

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