Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Decorating & Disney College Program

Well, many of you will think that this is sick but we decided to put up the Christmas tree today. BUT.......Before you you put us on trial and hang us we had to because we will be so busy the rest of the semester since this is the only break we will have till graduation. We had a lot of fun, this year we have a seven and half foot tree. Lets just say we had to bend it down a bit to fit it in the house. Alex was so excited and kept saying "Christmas!", "Christmas!". It was really cute to watch him. He is truly his mother's son when it comes to this holiday. We also have been baking pies and prepping for Thanksgiving tomorrow. The house smells good and it definitely is starting to feel like the holidays. We only have three days off this week from school till the last long haul but it feels so good to not worry about class and such. I do have some homework to this week but that is OK! In other news I am getting excited for my internship to Disney. I am posting a couple of videos to give some people an idea for the program. I have been asked by several people why I am doing this? Well number one, duh! It is and opportunity to work and gain experience with the Disney company. I will be working at Walt Disney World earning good money, going to special classes offered by the Disney University and the best part is I get free entrance and discounts while doing it.( THE LAST PART IS JUST A PERK). But if you wanna know more just go to this website:
Well till later- Blake :-)

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